Monday 7 October 2013

Fake Nails

   Olivia watched in awe the way that the crowd in the mall seemed to part like water as Irina swaggered forward confidently, her heels clicking sharply against the fake marble floor. Her perfectly manicured nails caught the artificial glare of the fluorescent lights with each swing of her hand. Olivia had tried to wear some of Irina’s body-length dresses and shoes before and had failed miserably, only managing to walk a step before stepping on the overlong hem. Her cousin managed to make it seem effortless, like she was gliding instead of walking.

   Irina didn’t visit often; her life in New York was a never-ending haze of parties, work, and more parties. When she did, however, she insisted on spending her time with Olivia.

   “You’re my cousin,” Irina had said with mild surprise on her pretty face, “so of course I like to hang out with you. Why would you ever think otherwise?”

   Looking at Irina with her flawless skin, perfect auburn curls, and extensive collection of the latest fashion and makeup, it was pretty obvious just why nerdy Olivia would find it strange that Irina insisted she be accompanied by Olivia on her jaunts through Surrey.

   Irina looked back at Olivia with a small smile on her glossed lips. “You want to take a bit of a break? Maybe we should go get something at the Orange Julius.”

   “Nah, they only sell fattening stuff there. I’m on a diet.”

   Irina frowned and paused, uncaring that they were in the middle of the mall. “You look fine to me.”

   Olivia fiddled with the hem of her ratty t-shirt. “It’s just … I don’t know. I’m heavier than I should be, I think.”

   It was hard not to feel unconfident next to perfect Irina, but Olivia kept her mouth shut.

   Suddenly, Irina reached out and grabbed Olivia’s hand in a startlingly tight grip, her sharp nails digging into Olivia’s skin. Looking up in surprise, she saw that Irina’s eyes were wide and serious, her lips pulled in an uncharacteristically somber frown.

   “Never think that about yourself, Olivia. You’re beautiful, just the way you are. Don’t change yourself into something you’re not just because someone else wants you to.”

   Irina’s lips were trembling and she pulled away, brushing at an errant curl that had fallen in front of her face. Olivia looked at her cousin. Really looked at her. And for the first time, she saw that the perfectly filed cherry-red nails on her hands were nothing more than fake nails. 


A former creative writing assignment that I wrote.

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